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Privacy Policy

Naturalis Bio Resort, hereby informs you about the processing of personal data in accordance with the European Regulation on Data Protection No. 679/2016 (“EU Regulation 679/2016″ – GDPR EU 679/2016” – GDPR“) makes available, in accordance with the spirit of transparency and guidelines proposed by the European Regulation 679/2016 GDPR, the methods of personal data management. This notice can also be found in the online section of our website 

Data Controller
The data controller is Naturalis Bio Resort Az. Agricola di Marinella Coluccia, with registered office in Via Traglia s.n., Contrada Ulive Grandi – 73025 Martano, represented by the physical person of the Owner of the company, Ms Marinella Coluccia, hereinafter referred to as “Owner of Treatment Naturalis Bio resort”.

Type of data processed
Naturalis Bio Resort processes data collected, directly and indirectly, from the interested parties and/or from third parties, including personal data (e.g. name, surname, address, date and place of birth), image data (e.g. identity card photos and/or video recordings), personal data (e.g. identity card number, tax code, telephone number, e-mail address, credit card), technical personal data relating to electronic communications (cookies and geolocation)

Below is an explanatory list of the data processed:

- Personal data (name, surname, address, date and place of birth);
- Image data (photo on identity card);
- Personal data (identity card number, tax code, telephone number, e-mail address, credit card);
- Personal technical data relating to electronic communications (Cookies and geolocation).

Purpose and legal basis of processing
Naturalis Bio Resort processes the data of the interested parties for the following purposes:

(a) Fulfilment of legal obligations derived from communications to public bodies such as the “Alloggiati Web” portal in accordance to the legislative decree of the 7th january 2013 by the Interior Ministry and the SPOT portal (Destination Management System) according to regional law no. 49/2017, as well as the communication arising from tax laws.

b) Promotion and sale of products and services, including the performance of market research, subject to your express consent, which you may revoke at any time.

The provision of the data necessary for these purposes is not compulsory and refusal to provide them does not have any negative consequences, except for the impossibility of receiving commercial communications.

Processing of personal data on the legal basis of legitimate interest
The processing of the User’s personal data for the Purposes of Legitimate Interest as per Article 24, paragraph 1, letter d) of Legislative Decree 196/2003 (“Privacy Code“) and pursuant to Article 6, letter f) of the European General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (the “Privacy Regulation“) for the pursuit of the legitimate interest of Naturalis Bio Resort which is fairly balanced with the User’s interest, as the data processing activity is limited to what is strictly necessary for the performance of the services and economic operations requested.

Processing for the Purposes of Legitimate Interest is not compulsory and the User may object to such processing in the manner set out in the following Section “Rights of the Data Subjects”, bearing in mind that if the User objects to such processing, his/her data cannot be used for the Purposes of Legitimate Interest.

At any time, the User may revoke any consent given in the manner set out in the following section “Rights of interested parties” of this Privacy Policy.

Processing methods
The personal data of the Users are processed by manual and computerised means, suitable to guarantee their security, confidentiality and to prevent unauthorised access, diffusion, modification and removal of the data, thanks to the adoption of appropriate technical, physical and organisational security measures.

Authorisations and Access to data
For the above-mentioned purposes, the data of the interested parties may be transferred to the following categories of recipients, located inside and/or outside the Naturalis Bio Resort, but in any case within the limits of the European Union.

Below is the list of suppliers to whom access to data is authorised:

(a) IT service providers (web master, system administrator; social media manager);

(b) Accountancy firm;

(c) Labour consultant;

(d) subjects and authorities whose right to access Users’ personal data is expressly recognised by law, regulations or measures issued by the competent authorities. These recipients, depending on the circumstances, will process personal data in their capacity as data controllers, data processors or persons in charge of processing;

Data transfer to third countries
Users’ personal data will not be transferred to third countries outside Europe.

Duration and storage of data
Users’ personal data will be stored for the period of time necessary to achieve the purposes for which such data was collected, as stated in this Policy.

All processed data will be stored in special cabinets guarded by authorised personnel, and digital data will have backup copies which will also be stored in these cabinets.

The duration of data retention will be 10 years, at the end of which all material will be destroyed or delivered directly to the data subject or his/her next of kin, either in digital or physical format.

Rights of interested parties
The interested party may, at any time, request information and exercise his or her rights regarding data processing by writing to the e-mail addres The interested party may:

(a) Obtain from Naturalis Bio Resort confirmation of the existence or otherwise of data concerning him/her and be informed of the content and source of the data, verify its accuracy and request its integration, updating or amendment;

(b) Obtain the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of any data processed;

(c) To object to the processing, in whole or in part, for legitimate reasons;

(d) To request the restriction of the processing of one’s personal data in the event that:

the data subject contests the accuracy of his/her personal data, for the period necessary to verify the accuracy of such data;

-although Naturalis Bio Resort no longer needs the data for processing purposes, the data are necessary for the User to ascertain, exercise or defend a right in a court of law;

-the data subject has objected to the processing pursuant to Article 21(1) of the Privacy Regulation pending verification of whether Naturalis Bio Resort’s compelling legitimate grounds for continuing the processing prevail;

(e) to lodge a complaint with the Authority for the Protection of Personal Data. 

Amendments and updates
This Privacy Policy may be subject to amendments and additions, also as a consequence of the applicability of the Privacy Regulation and of any subsequent regulatory changes and/or additions.

Users may view the constantly updated text of the Information Notice on the website.

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